Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Babymoon blogging

Boy this baby sure takes up alot of time! I forgot how demanding they can be. James is even more so though. He is a little more fussy that any of the others have been, so mom doesn;t get to blog as much :( Lately though, he has been sleeping in longer stretches and I may take one of those times to do some catch-up posts from the winter. for now, here is a picture that I took of an odd cloud formation last fall. Of course the photo doesn't do it justice, but it looked amazing in real life.


Chari said...

Love the photo! Thanks for sharing!

I have missed your blog posts.......but, I do not have a newborn.......and I cannot get to the blog either!

see you when you can return!

Gloria said...

Now that I think of it, this IS a sunset pic Chari! No wonder you like it!